Rail Dyst What is rail dust?

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Ugh! What are those tiny, orange spots on my white car? They show up on aluminum as well as metal and I just cannot scrub them away! What is rail …

What is the easiest way to remove rail dust?

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I’ve interviewed, Googled, phoned, and experimented to find ways to remove rail dust from white vehicles.   Take advantage of what I’ve learned, there are definitely easier ways to remove …

How does Ford remove rail dust?

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What do the experts say? Technical Service Bulletins  ….the professional method recommended by Ford. How does Ford recommend removing rail dust? Ford recommends two methods for removal of rail dust …

Will rail dust come back?

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Will Rail dust come back?   How often does rail dust need to be removed from my truck?  These questions started to pop into my head within a few days of …

Why does Iron X smell so bad?

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Iron X does an amazing job of removing orange spots (rail dust, industrial fallout, etc.).   But, that smell! What is it about Iron X that makes it smell so bad? …

How much Iron X should I buy?

In Uncategorized by Spot Hater

It’s hard to tell how far one bottle of Iron X will go.   Is 500ml enough? Do I need a smaller bottle? Two 500ml bottles? How much Iron X is …