How fast can rail dust be removed with Iron X? Test 4:

In Uncategorized by kevinjperry14

For my first three tests of Iron X, I set a timer for five minutes.   The label states three to five minutes. I was very careful to measure five minutes, then, wipe the Iron X from the white paint.   Consistency was the key! If the test went good or bad, I could look back and say that I had consistent test parameters!

How fast does Iron X remove rail dust or orange spots, or fallout? The directions require the Iron X to be applied for 3 to 5 minutes. Based on my tests, this seems to be an adequate range to remove the orange spots from white paint.

However, on this test I wanted to see how quickly iron X could make an impact on the paint! I wanted to see if those purple streaks we’re having an impact faster than 3 to 5 minutes.  I realize that there was risk that the Iron X would not remove any orange spots, or just make them less bright. I was most worried that the dark spots would fade to a dull shadow on my paint.  I did not want that to occur. Shadows are harder to remove.

I found a tiny orange spot below the mirror on the passenger’s side door.  Actually, one spot that was large enough for the camera to see it well.  Then, set up the camera and got ready for the test!

So here’s my hypothesis:   The purple spots appear after a few seconds.  Considering this, there should be a noticeable decrease in orange spots after about a minute.

The door had been washed along with the rest of the truck for test number 1 and number 2, so I’m not going to waste your time talking about that process.   Let’s get straight to the test.

I sprayed Iron X onto the orange spot and the surrounding area. next, I set my timer for 1 minute. I think I confused Siri! Because previous tests I set the timer for 5 minutes.  

After a minute had passed, I took my wet towel and wipe the purple from my white paint. I wasn’t sure what I would find. I was concerned that I would find Shadows of orange spots that might be harder to clean than the original orange spots. I was pleasantly surprised when the orange spot below the door had disappeared.